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amp316 said:

I know what many of you are saying.  You're saying that amp316 is a Nintendo guy and he is just here to troll on Sony, but honestly that's not the case.  Hear me out and see if you agree with anything that I 'm saying because I am trying to bring up some valid and unbiased points.

First off, I would like to say that I do not have a negative attitude to Sony Move and the Subcontroller because they resemble the Wii Remote and the Nunchuck.  I understand that Sony is trying to use the best available technology out there and use it to their advantage.  Imitation happens.  This is true with every worthwile invention that's ever been.  If it weren't, only Ford would make cars.

What I think that the major problem is with Sony's direction is not the fact that they're embracing motion controls, but it's the way that they are doing it.  Let's just say that being a Wii owner, many of the games that they showed at their press conference look a bit TOO familiar.  I'll list a few:

The Shoot:  This is a light gun shooter and the Wii has several of those.  

Sports Champions:  It showed three events in the game which were archery, swordfighting, and  table tennis which looked similar to archery, swordfighting and table tennis that I have played on another system.

Motion Fighter:  This looks like Wii Boxing but with better graphics.

Move Party:  This involved odd looking minigames like blowing chickens into a basket with a fan and cutting and dying hair.  It reminded me of Wario Ware: Smooth Moves.

My point is that coming out with the same exact thing and putting a fresh coat of paint on it is insulting Sony's fan's intelligence in my opinion.  Also, as far as I know, most Sony fans don't like the Wii so why would they like any of these sort of games?  I don't think that they would.  Furthermore, if they think that they are going to take away the casual fan from the Wii they are sorely mistaken.  Nintendo already owns that audience.

My final point is this.  Sony fans like Sony.  Nintendo fans like Nintendo.  What Sony is doing reminds me of when Coca-Cola introduced New Coke because they were losing to Pepsi at the time.  They made Coke taste more like Pepsi and no one liked it.  People that liked Coke still wanted Coke and not Pepsi in a Coke can.  Sony is turning into the New Coke and will be in trouble unless they bring back Coca-Cola Classic.  

Hows this. They need to start somewhere - why not where the market is strong?