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If Sony continue to develop the games that their current fanbase love, then why would they lose fans? The Move is an option, its just another controller that game developers can use if they want. As for this 'Sony fans don't want motion control otherwise they would have got a Wii', BS. I only have a PS3, but I'd love to have some motion control games, I'd love to have a Wii Sports clone. When I go around to mates places that have a Wii, we have an awesome time with WSR. But it was never enough for me to justify spending $400 on a Wii to play it. And with all my other favourite games on PS3, plus a Blu-ray player, thats the way I went this generation. Now I have the option of spending $100 to get the same experience I would previously have to purchase a whole Wii for.

It doesn't matter whether Sony copied or not. And it doesn't matter if Sony doesn't overnight have Wii-like success with it. Its unrealistic to think it even could. But its an option for the consumer, and one less USP that Nintendo has in its cap. Price will be what prevents this from having any signficant impact on Wii sales.