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Well the main point I agree with there, is the thing I've been saying since I first saw it. And that is, not creating a Sony identity over this product. Sure it has the playstation name slapped on it, but there is really nothing screaming, this is Sony. And it's not like they couldn't show it off as uniquely Sony, but they aren't creating that identity.

This is what I see as the biggest problem. I think the userbase and even the "casual" base would jump over it, but they aren't going to do it to have a "second Wii". They are going to do it for a unique experience that is uniquely Sony. That is what I want Sony to do with it and I think that's what the fans and potential customers want. SOCOM is definitely a start but I think they need more, and create new IPs that are uniquely there style.

I'm still very interested in the product, but I want to see what Sony can do with their creative hands in the motion sensing market, not just a generic name and look.