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Why the hell would I, or anybody, sell their Wii's for a piss poor imitation that even with all of this time for Sony to COPY Nintendo, couldn't demonstrate a single game that didn't blow the Wii remote out of the water?

And why would any Nintendo fan sell a Nintendo system, with ip's that they LOVE, for knock-off's?

This may *look* better, but for Sony to have had 5 years of studying the Wii and this is the best they can do, well...good luck to them. They'll sell some to the hardcore, but that's where it's going to end.

Also, a "No, I wouldn't sell my Wii for this knock-off" would have been a good option. Just giving us "I have too much invested in my Wii" makes it sound like there is no other reason to have a Wii, beyond having bought stuff for it.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!