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outlawauron said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Xxain said:
Why does everybody keep posting picks? thats reserved for early getters for dont have to prove you have it just participating in the thread can do that

I've been annoying Darth since Japanese release saying the game is going to suck and that I'm not buying it and he's been trying to change my mind the whole time. A pic wasn't necessary, I just thought it'd be funnier that way :P

So, impressions.

Snow is a bit of a douche. Hope is a wimpy Momma's boy. Vanille has the worst Australian accent I've ever heard. Sazh sticks out like a sore thumb. And Lightning is pretty awesome.

I'm still in Chapter 1 I think. When do I start getting CP?

Vanille doesn't have an Australian accent. It's British. Fang, however, does have an Aussie accent.

Vanille's voice actress is Australian.


Chapter 1: 6
Chapter 2: 5