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We see a lot of upset fans at this board, stating things like Sony copied ideas from Nintendo and vice versa (Eyetoy with EyeSports/EyePlay, etc).

I would like to go back with an example of motion tracking pioneering going all the way back to 1991.

At the time there was an Amiga based system using virtual realtiy together with head tracking and handtracking (you could duck, lean your hand out around a pillar to shoot, jump, etc). Albeit the 3D graphics at the time were horrible for today's standards a lot of neat ideas were introduced back then.

One of the games was called Dactyl Nightmare, a 3D FPS from before ID Software became famous for its not as advanced Wolfenstein3D game. The game allowed for 4 players to play deathmatch and co-op 'capture the flag' matches over a network. Players could communicate through the built-in microphone. The headset allowed for a stereoscopic 3D view of the environment using shutter technology (unlike Wolfenstein3D actually with different hight levels).

In another game you could for instance sword fight with other people.

Some quotes and more info:

"Looking at the joy-stick through the visor it appears as a gun. Extending one's arm shows a virtual arm rendered in bright pink polygons."

My point is many of the innovations and gaming ideas originate from decades before the current fan wars. They are refinements based on more modern technology, but in some ways even less ambiteous.

Also for example Wii-Fit from basic idea point of view is also pretty similar to the Amiga Joyboard, a balance board controller from 1982. You would balance on the board to surf or ski.

About Amiga: The original Amiga Corp was a small innovative company which designed the Amiga computer. At a time of single-tasking monochrome soundless Macs and beeping MSDOS PCs (1985), this company designed a desktop computer supporting 4096 simultaneous colors on screen at once (images would finally look like photographs on a home computer, SDTV resolution), it could do pre-emptive multi-tasking (meaning you could for example copy & paste stuff on the fly from spreadsheet to image processor or word processor) and it supported stereo sound (it could for example also read out text to you). You could do so much for the time outrageous stuff unheard of for home systems before, for example with a genlock you could combine realtime animations / subtitles, etc with home made video, etc all in professional quality for the time.

As a gaming platform the Amiga was a great choice during the 80s until early 90s:

Some multi-platform games (Amiga vs PC, but various lowend Amiga exclusives were far more impressive than these and could not really have been pulled off on a high end PC of the time)


Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales