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meatloaf73 said:
Although his words are too harsh, it's true IMO. The Wii is a novelty. It's the least played console in my house. Yes Wii do wait 4 the Mario and Zelda games, but it's not a "Gaming Console" per say. Price point, and adults like the "My kid will be exercising too" idea. So, in saying that, it's in it's own little catagory. It's not like your gonna play Halo 3OSD or God Of War, then go back to mario Kart lol

Thank you representative of all gamers.  It's great to know that we can count on our gaming representatives to ensure that all definitions, standards and policies for our industry are as black and white as possible with no gray area what so ever.  And that only your perspectives matter.  I mean my gosh, what would happen if people actually used their Wii to play video games?  Such a preposterous notion indeed.  

In fact, I propose that you as a gamer representative announce more solid definitions for Wii such as what the games should be called.  We can't call them video games since the Wii isn't a video game system.  It's a toy, right?  Perhaps video toys?  Calling them video games gives them too much credit.  Games aren't toys, right?

Oh, and we need to defiine usage qualifications.  I suggest we take whatever number is lower between PS3 and X360 and proclaim that any toy that plays video toys for a play time average less that than the preceding 2 video game consoles be labeled as a toy. 

The rEVOLution is not being televised