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meatloaf73 said:
Although his words are too harsh, it's true IMO. The Wii is a novelty. It's the least played console in my house. Yes Wii do wait 4 the Mario and Zelda games, but it's not a "Gaming Console" per say. Price point, and adults like the "My kid will be exercising too" idea. So, in saying that, it's in it's own little catagory. It's not like your gonna play Halo 3OSD or God Of War, then go back to mario Kart lol

Fair enough and thats your opinion. But not everyones house is like yours. Im as hardcore a gamer as there is and i have never touched Halo after Halo 1 and have not played GoW yet. Although I will be getting GoW3.

And there are alot of people out there like myself. For someone to say if you like Mario Kart more than ODST or GoW thentheres something wrong with you or your casual. Or maybe you just don't know what a good game is, like IGN implies, it's just a very narrow minded view imo.

Please "hardcore" gamers you're not the center of the gaming universe. Not everyone thinks like you and in fact you are the minority BY FAR. The world is changing so please TRY to think outside the box sometime. Nintendo did and it was a great thing....=0)