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nintendo_fanboy said: 

John my oracle, please tell me which game will sell more in its lifetime, Mario Galaxy or Halo 3?

Without a shadow of a doubt—Galaxy. See New Super Mario Bros. for details. Halo 3 currently stands by VGChartz figures at 5.82 million. That is STILL under what some people (not me) call the worst entry in the mainline of the Mario franchise Super Mario Sunshine standing at 5.91 million. Making this figure on the least popular system of the last generation. I loved Sunshine but I love Galaxy even more and so do many others. It's magical AND it's on the most popular system of the 7th gen. It will trickle in sales throughout the lifetime of this system & I wouldn't be surprised if we see 10 million out of Galaxy before it's all said & done. Halo 3 will move units long-term too but it has no chance of besting Galaxy. It will beat Sunshine but it can't touch the hem of Galaxy's garment.

omgwtfbbq said:

Well I always liked your predictions, and I like that you take long shots, but seriously I have to ask, what was with the Wiifit one? What were you thinking? I would honestly like to hear about your thought process for that one because about 2 minutes of thinking would have made it pretty obvious that it could never happen.

Well the impact of finally successfully merging videogaming & exercise together. All these reports about Wii used in physical rehabilitation and the patients taking to it with much more vigor because it's set up in a game format. There's a recent one now. ( ) It's made by Shigeru directly and is a concept he came up with while doing ordinary things much like Pikmin came about due to his gardening. I NEVER sleep on Shigeru. The dude is genius personified. Seeing clips on YouTube. And feedback from people who used it. Imagining me playing it by myself much like I imagined the Wiimote before I got my hands on it by taking my TV remote motioning it around. Understanding the appeal of the Wii Fitness exercises in Wii Sports (I play these nearly everyday). Knowing the appeal to older folks. Knowing the obsessions with losing weight which gets confused with fitness (you can be fat and healthy). The aesthetics and the design. The future potential uses from 3rd parties and perhaps Nintendo themselves (how many have mentioned new kinds FPSs & snowboarding skiing games because of the arrival of the Balance Board?). Knowing it's in the new Wii series franchise alone; it represents the system. The family aspect when you can have multiple people measure themselves against each other; that creates competition in a whole new way. Me testing this idea on people I know who had no interest in Wii even WITH Wii Sports & Co. and them seeming to spark up on Wii once I told them & showed them about Wii Fit.

Lots of stuff. The Fit on the logo is colored in Earth Day Greenpeace green. White background, soft gray Wii, sweetgrass green Fit in wholesome round-contoured italic letters. The fact that it more than anything else will help Nintendo broaden gaming's reach and dispel some of the stigma that videogames are harmful for children's development. Knowing precisely that this game begins the 2nd phase of Nintendo changing the industry to their ends. I always said this first year was the introductory Larval phase. Nintendo's going into Pupa with Wii Fit. To emerge as Butterfly with an industry which bends to Nintendo's designs rather than the other way around. I wonder if Microsoft Scene It coming?

I may have gotten carried away with Japan only because I always wanted to say worldwide but I knew Japan would be all over this like we saw and since the launch was staggered I decided to be dangerous. But worldwide I don't doubt its impact. Right or wrong I put down what was in my brain as it came to me. They tend to come to me in visions. It just struck me one night and I had to put it down for the record. I overlooked E3 2007 this year & only later looked back at the footage. I said how could I have missed this?!?! I was late to the train putting down something for Wii Fit because I knew it was gonna be big. And it will be big. 2008 is gonna be shocking for this title. The moment its benefits are verified truthfully is the moment when Wii opens up new problems or supplying units. This title will change everything. On THAT at least you can go to the bank on that.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot