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As an "US American" I'd be more then happy for the EU to be the number one power in the world.  It's a pain in the ass to be the "number one power" in the world and acknowledged as such, because every crackpot positions himself against you.  

It's not like the USA and EU are in anyway enemies or something or would go over blows over anything in our lifetime.  America needs a freaking break from being the perceived "top dog" so a lot of people can stop worrying about maintaining "Top Dog" status and start worrying about fixing problems in the country.  As long as they stay an important part of the world economy who cares if the US is number one?  They stay important enough and other countries will continue to foot the bill on the US's insane economic polices.  Maybe fear of them not being number 1 will convince polititans that it's infact not a good idea to spend more money then you take in.  The republicans used to be against that kind of thing, but now with Neo-cons in control both sides seem to want to spend money like trust fund kids.

Turkey needs to stay out of the EU though.   They're way to different to make it work now in my opinion.