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If Blu-ray wins it still won't help the PS3 in terms of sales, mostly because at that point a Blu-Ray stand alone player will cost around 149 vs a 299 game system. It will be an added feature and may help sway some people from teh 360 but it will be too late at that point to be a major selling point as it will no longer be the cheap Blu-ray player and the Wii and 360 will have significantly larger libraries in 2009 than the PS3. The saving grace for the PS3 are the initial projects that are being worked on and have been worked on since the PS3 was supposed to be undefeatable before last E3. Those games have to take hold before all of the Wii games come out from third party developers(which should take a significantly faster amount of time as they play catch up)with the 360 cutting into the PS3s exclusive list, Sony needs to focus on Europe Japan is pretty much lost to them now as the PS3 is selling slower than the GameCube and N64 for there meaning it is tracking for 6-8 million LTD. Nintendo si purpotedly releasing SMG, Smash Brothers and MP3 in Japan this year that with the Wii Health game means that Japan will be changing their name to Nintendo by March 31st. The 360 is proving to be serious competition in the US and I suspect the 360 will break away even more sowhen Halo 3 comes out and will most likely force MGS to go multiplatform. I see the PS3 in the N64/XBOX situation. 25 million WW LTD.