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Nah, that would be easy to work out, it would take VERY little time to throw that into Excel. I'd offer to do it but I actually don't have office on my computer =P

Then again, why mess with a good thing? This is already fun, but I just figured there could be ways to streamline it and make it more enjoyable for more people, and hopefully bring in a new crowd that's interested. But who knows.

Also, if you do smaller segments, it could be easier for 1 person to manage a "set" so to speak. So, Son1x could do a set and do maybe 5 rounds, and dunno001 could do a set and do 5 rounds as well. And they could even run simultaneously if desired.

Just brainstorming really and throwing ideas with abandon. I love this sort of contest, and would love to make it better if possible. I don't necessarily think most of my ideas are good ideas, the only one I actually like is using mostly songs from popular games/series, just to make it more accessible to more people. I know I myself don't even feel like voting when I'm only sure of 1 -.-