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Reasonable, I understand your points but the Transformers and Gears comparisons are not fair. On any level, I consider Gears a better piece of media. Why? Neither piece goes for "highbrow" status, in fact, they go for the exact opposite. The difference between the two is that Gears is not insulting to my intelligence and generally, performs its intended task quite well. The story is there but it doesn't get in the way of the action, the characters don't make me want to scream, the dialogue is appropriately corny, and overall, it's an enjoyable ride.

Whereas Transformers just flat-out SUCKED. On every level. Even the action is bad, which should be the staple of a lowbrow flick like that.

Not everything has to be highbrow material but even the lowbrow stuff has to be held to some kind of standard.

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