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I'm not going to get into the crux of what this guy is talking about. It looks like it's been beaten to death already.

The thing I wonder is why the idea of Wii's being in closets continually comes up. Who would realistically set their Wii up to a television for a function, only to dismantle it and put it away in a closet when they're finished? That doesn't make any sense. Why not just leave it hooked up to the TV? Would someone that didn't watch movies often outside of functions unplug their DVD player and place it in the closet? Cable box? That seems like a whole lot of extra work for no reason and unless someone had a ton of other devices to plug into their TV and needed the space, I can't imagine anyone being dumb enough to do it.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.