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Twistedpixel said:
thismeintiel said:
Wow. This has to be the first time people have gone this crazy over a set of screen shots. When did we ever care about these things before there was any gameplay footage? I know I haven't. Most pre-vid photos are just quick concoctions of how a dev wants his game to look and, therefore, will almost always look better than the final product. I think just about anyone with a brain knows that. That's why we say, "Oh that's awesome looking, but let's see some gameplay." So, none of these shots mean anything until we see how it looks in the actual game. I mean how many of you guys play games with the "old school point and click" option enabled? I don't.

And really, which system has been claiming graphics king over and over again? Pretty much outdoing itself with little competition. That's right, the PS3. And it's about to do it again with GOW3. Now, before you go off on some rant, I'm not saying 360 games look like crap. Trust me, I know they don't. I'm just saying they are good, but none have been blowing the gaming sites' collective minds like UC2 or KZ2 have. And though many have praised Alan Wake (and I think it looks pretty good, too), it hasn't blown me away in terms of graphics. Especially since I haven't seen a vid yet with more than 2 or 3 people on screen at once.

Oh and selnor, where's that MGS4 for 360? You had my hopes up for that thing. J/K.

Actually thats the PC.

@ Thismeintel.

Glad to know youve played Alan Wake to say previews are wrong. Is it a long game? What would you score it? Plot good?

And that MGS4 prediction was like 2 years ago.