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Reasonable said:
CommonMan said:
I took a step back into the real world for a minute (I tend to get caught up in the bitch/whine fests that these threads become) and realized this: Who the fuck cares? Buy it on the system you like, for whatever reason you like. If you care about the best looking one, get the PS3. If you care about controller preference, buy it on the system you like the controller on. Unless you have a 2 TV set up or something, the only one you'll be able to see is the one in front of you, and according to this video comparison, no matter what it's going to be beautiful.

If only the thread had ended here.

Y'know, the 360 version is going to play fine.  It has essentially same fps and in some cases a little higher (due to lower resolution rather than being magically 'better' so calm down PS3 fans) and the gameplay is unaffected.  With nothing to compare it to anyone sitting in front of a 360 and an HD TV is going to see a pretty decent looking game with minimal bugs/glitches.  The cutscenes will also look okay.  Not cutting edge, but okay, and in the end they're just cutscenes with some exposition.

In the end the 360 version is simply less optimized but not game breakingly so.

Again, I wish people would realise these examples are NEVER about the consoles and stop going on about Bayonetta or Orange Box or FFXIII like they prove something.

Bayonetta on PS3 could be indentical to 360 and the fact it isn't is nothing to do with the PS3 not having enough power, but the code being poor and un-optimized as it was a 'rush job' port

FFXIII on 360 could be indentical to PS3 if more disks were used (or better encoding or a mix of both) and the fact it isn't is down to a combination of endcoding of the assets and a somewhat rushed looking port from the evidence.

Orange box on 360 is okay but weaker than the PC as the engine, etc. was optimized for PC but transfered more or less okay and Orange Box on PS3 is okay but even weaker again as a developer unfamiliar with the code ported it to an architecture they were unfamialir with.

The point I wish certain people would get is these and every other example of a game that seems worse on one or the other of the consoles is nothing to do with the consoles as such, it doesn't prove one is 'more powerful' and it simply shows where code is poor and un-optimized.

I'm not saying they're lazy, but I am saying, and I'm 100% right, that any flaws are down to the developers and their skills and the effort they put in, or lack thereof.



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