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Akvod said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Akvod said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Akvod said:
MontanaHatchet said:
kowenicki said:
Many sony fanboys say (want) it will do less.... it will do more. the end.

This is why I get annoyed at you a lot.

First off, you're assuming that only Sony fanboys would want this game to sell less. There are 360 fans who don't like Halo, Nintendo fans who don't like the 360, PC fans who don't like console shooters, etc. Of course, this never occurred to your PS3, Sony fan hating self, but it's a possibility. And what reason will it sell more? I'm not saying that it's not possible, just that you provided no actual reason. You just said it will do more, and then said "the end" like you're God and your word is final. 

Stop being s o biased. You have a Contributor position, you know. 

I thought contributors were supposed to like any other poster here right? Stop going back on your own words.

In my opinion, telling someone to shut up as a contributor isn't a big deal.

However, showing console bias (especially when you're responsible for multiplatform-centric articles) is a problem.

My point was that contributors are supposed to be examples and models. You wouldn't write an entire paragraph to the 99% of unbiased posters in this forum. Why kowenicki? Because he's a contributor right?

You can argue that shut up isn't a big deal, but my point was that seece was to be a role model, and you didn't really adress it. So clarify now please. Do you believe contributors serve as models for this forum, or are you really so afraid that kowen's next article is gonna be biased?

If I wrote an entire paragraph to every biased person on this site, I'd be here for days. Yet still, you see me do it for dozens of people. I just did it the other day for someone who didn't hold any staff positions, and I was far more stern and aggressive about it. I type pretty fast (usually about 60-80 WPM), so I can write a paragraph like that pretty quickly and effortlessly. It's not an "entire paragraph to me." As a Contributor, Kowenicki should be generally unbiased, especially when he's writing the kind of articles he does. Now, he may not ever inject his bias into the articles he writes, but it's best to at least not show one's bias. It would be like Ebert (who in my opinion shows no bias) saying in an interview that Pixar movies are shit. He may review them without bias, but he shows his bias in other areas. 

And frankly, you've been on my ass ever since that thread. Get over it. Jesus Christ.

Holy crap, me, me, me, me, me. Sorry to go off topic, but are you aware that this post, and the post you made in the most balanced/unbiased poster one just reeks of "I am X"? To be honest, you're annoying me even more than kowen's biased post right now.

And sheesh, could you not condense your paragraphs to a single and simple point? Actually, after reading that mess I realized that you still haven't simply answered the question of WHY kowen shouldn't show bias in the forum. You were so nice to give a simple answer to kowen in your reply to him (it's bad for the forum or something like that), why can't you simply agree with me? Contributors, mods, admins, etc are to be models, or at lease held to a higher standard.

Please don't write another god damn paragraph with your 60-80 WPM speed. Yes or no? A simple sentence to elaborate as to why at most.

You know, I could write an entire paragraph or two to this. I could respond to it. Then I realized that you'd just get angry and pout all over the thread and ruin it even more than it already has been.

I've done enough damage to this thread already. It doesn't need your mess of complaining either. Bye.