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Sounds like the only Wii games this guy has played, are Wii Fit or Wii Play. I find myself playing slightly more with my Wii than with my PS3 and WAY more than with my 360. Nintendo has the best First-party developers and Ninty has done an excellent job in pleasing both their loyal followers as well as their new fans. The only ones that find the Wii inferior to the other consoles are the "players" who refer to themselves as "HRDC00R GAMRZ!!1", who would probably buy Superman 64 if remade with HD graphics, over-the-top blood and constant cussing and trolls like these...

My point is: STFU Fredrik Liliegrin!

Nah, well, it's nothing to freak out about... (I could've just said that in the first place to avoid writing all this boring text...)