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joeorc said:
DaColdFlash said:
Boutros said:
RAZurrection said:

Man it's disappointing that every time the 360 raises the graphics bar for this generation it always comes down to personal attacks or disbelief/denile. I guess that shows the inherant bias of some people here.

PC Gamer Crysis 2 -  Q&A

Zezeri: Did you really cut the gameplay of the presentation from the stool?

Robert Horn: I personally do not. But this was clearly the fact that we have only seen the Xbox version. I just expect more from a Crysis 2 on the PC.

Christian Schlütter: We have not themselves played Crysis 2 yes. Therefore, we can only speak of what is seen.

Chrisssi: How has it felt control on console?

Christian Schlütter: This could see right out catchy. Just the four Nanosuit features are well distributed on the Xbox buttons.

Also info from the same magazines preview which came out before the 26th of January 2010,

Crysis 2 is gonna be awesome. The concept, as it is described, sounds great. Subtract the usual magazine hyping blahblah and it is still really good. If the game will be anything near that, I'll be happy.

Player is referred to as Prophet by his squad mates. Camarillo doesn't confirm that he actually is it, but replies: "At least the people in New York believe that you're prophet. And there are good reasons for it."

Screens look awesome! Crysuki would probably still criticize some of the models feeling not lifelike/real but it looks quite good.

The mission was presentated on an XBOX 360 and was said to look like the game will push the graphical boundaries on all platforms.

Resolution on XBOX was 1280 x 720 with 2x multisampling AA.


Makes you wonder why Crytek are showing PC mags the 360 version. It must be in terriffic shape!


Thanks for providing a link.

But you can't expect us to believe random person on the internet.

That's why a proof is required to support your arguments and you just did it now but your previous posts were useless without a proof or something.

Uhm yeah but what did he proofed exactly? Some Edge guy saw footage from some Crysis 2 XBox 360 gameplay....aaand?

exactly, there is already a PS3 build also. It's moot.

lead platform it's pc, but lead console it's ps3, since the engine it's code to take advance of parallel cpus.