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Well, it's no wonder that in the UK the EU isn't considered that much of a blessing, the economy is overall stronger, as can be seen with the pound vs euro ratings. For us Poles, it's a chance to finally get our economy going in the right direction, 45 years of communism can really make a mess with any country. For me, the EU is a great way to move around the continent without having too much problems. The Schengen treaty is a bliss in this case.

It can be see that UK economy is strong with the pound vs euro ratings? That's sth new.
45 years of communism made a mess with your country? I'm not sure if you know but Poland wasn't richer before communism. Not to even mention the social rights and freedom in Second or First Republic. Communist didn't make a mess from your county it only slowed its development.
Also communism doesn't "make a mess" from China's or Vietnam' but makes them ones of the fastest growing economies in world.