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Capcom has only a port of Okami and Monster Hunter 3 announced for the Wii, so it's hardly surprising they've got more stuff on the way. Especially since they were one of the last third parties to substantially support the Gamecube last gen, and now already have one million sellers on the Wii, with another possibly on the way.

That being said, I'm pretty meh about most of these. I couldn't care less for Devil Kings, We Love Golf, or the racing game, and Megaman has gone so far down the shitter during the past 15 years that he's unlikely to get back up. Zack&Wiki is nice (my interest is damped by the original getting delayed in Europe -_-), and the other two might be good, but they don't sound incredibly exciting really.

Still hoping they'll do a Wii version of either RE5 or SF4, as I'm starting to feel more like getting a new PC than a HD console next year.