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I have to really question motivations (and seeing temper tantrums thrown when FF13 was announced multi-plat, there is plenty of motivation to trash the 360 version more than is warranted) when people make a much bigger buzz about the FF13 port than pretty much any other HD game in history even though FF13's port is far from the worst. Bayonetta's port had performance issues whereas Digital Foundry found that the 360 didn't suffer from performance problems. This is not a reverse Bayonetta situation. This is a situation of grown men pledging allegiance to some large multinational corporation chomping at the bit until now that they have some sort of proof that the 360 version is inferior in some way. The 360 version doesn't look as good. But why is such a huge deal made about this port in particular when graphics downscaling is nothing new and nowhere near as bad as ports with horrible loadtimes and slowdown? (especially on the PS3. GTA4 was sub-HD on the PS3 too. Where was the big bad outrage over that? Final Fantasy doesn't hold a candle to GTA's popularity after all but yet FF13 is made into a much larger deal)

Not saying that everyone who is complaining about this port has a (not so) hidden motive. But when I see people with known Playstation bias take their licks in, come on, who are you trying to fool? And sadly, those who don't have a bias against the 360 are buying into all the buzz that the former group is generating (some delcaring a boycott even or going as far as threatening to buy a slim just so they can play the better looking version of ONE GAME. Come on, that is EXACTLY the reaction that the Sony Defense Force was looking for. Grown men who are obsessed with wanting "their" multinational corporation of choice to win some sort of silver medal. Seriously, step back and look at the situation, 576p isn't the end of the world. Your beloved MW2 and Halo 3 are sub-HD as well but it seems like 10 million+ each don't seem to give a damn. Square-Enix isn't the only dev ever to cut corners with ports and they didn't cut corners as much as SEGA and many other guys did). If FF13 on 360 played like Bayonetta, then yes, get out the pitchforks. But it doesn't. This situation is not worth buzzing so much about. How many long-assed threads have we had here on this subject? The Wii (who understand the ridiculousness of resolution obsession) and PC gaming crowd (who are well aware that graphics peen comparing contests on home consoles are a joke when a gaming rig can blow anything a console can do out of the water) must be having a laugh with a big bowl of popcorn watching these HD twin pissing contests.