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Blu-ray Sells over $200m in Jan-Feb 2010, Restores Growth for Packaged Media

According to aggregate weekly estimates from the research department of Home Media Magazine, revenues from Blu-ray sales in the US in 2010 through February were $200.95 million, 59% more than in the same period of 2009. Additionally, thanks to Blu-ray, the revenue from packaged-media sales stopped falling and grew 3% year-on-year.

As to market share, Blu-ray accounted for 11.7% of packaged-media sales revenue in the first two months of the year. In Jan-Feb 2009, this percentage was 7.6%.

The biggest-selling week was the week ended January 3, with $37.72 million in BD sales. The slowest week was the week ended February 21, with $18.58 million.

It is worth mentioning that Blu-ray sold more in these relatively slow two first months of the year than digital downloads did in the whole of 2009 ($199 million, including both standard-definition and high-definition, according to Screen Digest). In spite of all the continuous hype from tech sites and web pundits about the impending digital domination and the disc's demise, the public seems to see much more value in a movie when it comes on a high-quality physical support with top-notch video, audio and extras than on a downloaded video file.



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.