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Here we go, ladies and gentlemen!


Though i'll grant that they are more self-aware of the cycle of doom

"Stop me if you've heard this one: despite its iron-clad grip on the sales charts, the Wii is headed for heartbreak. Sony and Microsoft are catching up. Nintendo's day of reckoning is right around the corner, just over the horizon, a few months away.

This, dear gamers, will be the year the Wii falls."

What's their sure sign? Cammie Dunaway.

"During an interview at a recent media summit, Nintendo executive VP Cammie Dunaway told Wired that going into the Wii's fifth year, Nintendo is "probably not going to sell as many units next year as we sold this year." She goes on to explain the expected slump to be little more than the "course of a cyclical business."

They then parade the usual litany of 3rd party sob stories! Go to see this astounding show!

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.