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trashleg said: 

Severance said:
trashleg said:
Rath said:
I must admit I find this thread rather creepy.

*backs slowly out of thread*

i kind of agree, i mean its one thing to use public photos of celebrities to admire them, because they're kind of public entities. but posting pics of real-life girls you don't even know.. thats strange. what if they ever stumbled across this?


i know lots of realy pretty girls, but im not posting any of their pics here for you guys to drool over :)

Read the OP again!

its not unknown girls its girls you know who are pretty but are not famous or celeberities.

yah but people are posting pics of "friends of a friend" on facebook, or random people they've accepted friend requests from. you dont think thats a little.. weird?


@bugrimmar, i wonder if you would even dare :-O

i dare. :D 

c'mon, this is just a thread for the appreciation of 'normal' girls. it's not for spy purposes, and the girls who put pics on the net aren't members of the KGB or MI6. it's just for fun :)

trashleg = scottish beauty ;) (which castle is in this pic btw?)