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"I don't like the split design of the wiimote because I'm left handed, and can't get used to using the nunchuck in my right hand."


I'm left handed, and think the Wii is the first console in a long time that doesn't actually screw me over for that fact. I hold the Wii-Remote in my left, and the nunchuk in my right, and its the most natural feeling in the world.

I -love- that some games, like Wii sports, actually even let you set handedness. (And Wii sports in particular lets you set handedness per sport -- that's freaking awesome... because I do all sports left handed - except golf. (I grew up with only access to right handed clubs so I golf right handed).

That sort of left handed support should be -mandatory. Wii Carnival doesn't, and for a couple of the mini games where you are supposed to throw the ring like a frisbee for exampe... it just doesn't work for me. And if i swap the remote to the other hand... well I can't throw a frisbee right handed to save my life. So that event just sucks for me.

Rayman rabbids is another game where a couple events don't work. (The music ones for example, I aways have to remember to swap the nunchuk and remote because it assumes the nunchuk is the left 'spotlight' and the remote is the right 'spotlight'. At least its no big deal swapping them, its just annoying to remember to do, and the game would be a little more polished if it supported setting handedness.

/PC rant

On the PC, I use the mouse with my left, and bought one of those Ideazon Fangs for my right hand.

Why? Because I was sick to death of having to remap every single game I played. WASD is LOUSY for someone using their right hand. Some games would at least multi-map the arrow keys on the number pad to work, but they'd invariably leave crouch, jump, reload, etc only around the WASD...

Like whats the point of even letting you move with the numpad and then make you press Z to crouch? That's just unplayable. Anyhow, the fang is ambidextrous by design, and the movement keys map to WASD so I can pretty much play any game now without having to fight with the controls... Its a decent controller for anyone, but for lefties especially, it kicks ass. Highly recommended.

/end rant