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One of DRM’s many problems has always been its staying power. Publishers build their walls higher and higher, but pirates just bulldoze right over them time and time again.

Ubisoft, however, thought its anti-piracy solution was different. And, unfortunately (or extremely fortunately, depending on how you look at it), Ubisoft thought wrong.

Only a day after Silent Hunter 5’s release, pirates are already claiming to have intercepted Ubisoft’s maiden DRM voyage. “Install game and copy crack, it’s that simple!” reads the description on the pirated version of the game.

Apparently, the pirated version is specifically meant to be played without the Internet and far away from the prying eyes of Ubisoft’s new system.

For now, though, we’re tagging this as a rumor, since we here at VG247 both simultaneously despise piracy and adore moral high grounds. Thus, we have not and will not download a copy of the game. We will, however, shoot an email over to Ubisoft and see what’s what.

Thanks, Kotaku.