O-D-C said: what the hell is wrong with you school? we just got 300 new iMac's at my school and a hockey rink of course its a college |
What's wrong with his school is likely all the extra funding they've gotten went to paying teachers, and the teachers you can fire are the lower paid ones since it usually has to go seniority union wise.
That and school administrators are just dumb, because they're usually just teachers who moved up the ranks and not actual buisness people.
Our school ALWAYS ran out of "paper" or almost did when I was in highschool nearly a decade ago.
This was in a nice suburb with high school taxes. It all went to teachers and shit like bringing in sand to throw beach parties and stuff.
Uusally it's not so much the lack of paper that's a problem... it's the fact that the copy machines are leased usually isntead of bought, and you can only make so many copies on it before you have to pay huge fines... and teachers ALWAYS go over budged because nobody bothers to set actual limits for each teacher or do... anything that makes sense.