NJ5 said:
Yes but... I still don't see inflation affecting these graphs much. I think this would be a lot easier if you pinpointed exactly which graphs you think are misleading. The first, fifth and eighth ones can't be affected by such factors, as it's the first time they're going negative. The second one was only negative once before, and that was at a very recent time where inflation wouldn't make a big difference. Similar things can be said for the two last graphs. The third one could actually be affected, but let's look at it closely. From 2000 to 2010 it shows an increase from 2 to 3.4. That is a 70% increase, WAY more than inflation. The fourth one is showing way too big increases to be explained by inflation as well. The sixth one is inflation adjusted. The seventh one is in percentage and year-on-year, so inflation would show equally no matter the place in the graph. I think you didn't think about your claim that inflation was a significant factor in explaining the reality in these graphs. Inflation calculator: http://www.westegg.com/inflation/ edit - fixed link.
All of them except for the ones taking inflation into account and the percentage change YoY are badly misleading. Yes there may be shocking information still within these graphs but they are an atrocious way of showing it clearly designed to exaggerate and mislead, if they took inflation into account it would be far more reasonable. And yes I did think about my claim and I stand by my claim. I'm actually suprised nobody else has agreed with me, it's truly atrocious statistics.
@Mafoo. Well I don't know if it was a depression but we aren't falling at an alarming rate, at least not by the most common indicator.
Of course it remains to be seen whether this is a true recovery or purely a result of economic stimulus.