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Tridrakious said:
Well like I said I'm likely one in a few that experience it, but it did happen.

Unlike with PSN where I haven't lost a single trophy.

I believe that it happened, but it's just a bug and probably a Phantasy Star one.  If it were a general achievement bug there would be much more buzz about it but since Phantasy Star isn't that big of a game on the 360 anyways it makes sense that it would be the problem with that since there hasn't been a giant shit storm about it.

There is of course the potential to lose any achievement information if you're offline, but there's nothing you can do about that and trophies have the same exact problem.  Synching in no way fixes that and in fact it's something you can't really fix unless a console is always online.  Actually, I would say the 360 actually has less of a chance of you losing achievement/trophy information since achievement information gets sent immediately if you're online while trophies wait for you to sync.

But anyways, completely off topic!