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Tridrakious said:
twesterm said:

So now that I'm actually getting trophies again thanks to Heavy Rain, I forgot the synching woes.  It's not that synching is in any difficult, it's just it's never on my mind until my PS3 is already.

So why do we even have to synch in the first place?

I don't really understand how we can have the PS3 automatically update Facebook when we get a trophy but somehow automatically synching trophies is just too far beyind their realm of comprehension.  I don't really care if they still had to be synched somehow, it would be *awesome* if they could just automatically synch when I turn my PS3 on, or connect to the PSN, or turn on a game, or exit a game.

There's really no good reason we still have to manually synch trophies.


NOTE-- I don't care if you don't care about trophies. If you don't care about trophies you shouldn't care about this thread and just kindly leave thank you.

For someone who seems to have such a distaste of Sony and the PS3, I don't see why you have one.

The trophy syncing is a safe way to make sure you don't lose trophies you've gained. Every trophy gets unlocked without connection to the PSN server. Then you update the server with your trophies.

Unlike with Xbox Live. If you're not care the achievements you unlock offline might get erased when you go online.

I don't believe that is right. 

You can unlock achievements offline and as soon as you connect they will synch up.  Reading your later posts what you experienced was simply a bug.  I don't know if it was achievements or Phantasy Star, though I assume Phantasy Star since I've never heard of that happening.  I'm sure there are some official Phantasy Star forums somewhere you can follow that up with.


nordlead said:
I'm chalking this up with the Clock/controller power issue.

Sony made a mistake that was stupid and minor in the grand scheme of things and very easy to fix. Twesterm (and people like me) complain about them, and then the Sony peoples come into the thread bashing the thread creator, praise Sony, and tell you that you are too lazy. I mean heck, we had to work two jobs just to afford a PS3, pressing the sync button is a lot easier than a second job, so therefore we are lazy.


I almost think you can program the Harmony Remote to perform a set of button presses on power down that would sync your trophies. I'll have to check it out later tonight as I was configuring my remote this morning, but haven't gotten to programming it yet so I'll add a little test button.

Hmm, that could be interesting to try, I'll check it out later tonight if it's still on my mind.  I've never tried programming multiple button presses to one button and I don't know if I could make that an actual activity. 

Of course there's still the problem of I have to remember to do that while my PS3 is still on.  :-/

Oh! And about that BlueRay problem I had a while back, I can select Play and Play from Beginning and they both send me straight back to the beginning (or at least it did with District 9).