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Sharky54 said:
twesterm said:
Alic0004 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
twesterm, you dont have a single platinum, have less than 10 golds and not even 20 silvers...You dont happen to be a "trophy whore". Just sync every single trophy when you get them by accessing the in-game XMB and going to your profile.
It will become a habit.

You've gotta admit though, that sounds pretty lame when it could just do it invisibly without user input.  It's not a big thing that affects the quality of the PS3-owning experience, it's just a little annoyance that it's good to bug Sony about.

To me, one of the the annoying things about Sony's basic style from a design perspective, is their tendency to always do things their own way, and not pay attention to all the constantly changing little evolutions and automizations which people come to expect from technology.  They always feel like they're a little bit behind in some of the details.

That's just my perception of it, anyway.  We should be able to have a conversation among tech/video game geeks without everyone donning their colors and turning it into a console war brawl, right?



That would be nice but I guess the moment you say something negative about anything related to Sony I guess you're automatically a fanboy moron even though I praised Heavy Rain despite my hate for QTE's.  I guess it's more fun though to ignore anything anyone says and just call them a fanboy though.

Anyways, yeah, you're pretty right that they do things their way.  I'm sure by manually synching trophies that saves them server strain which I'm sure makes sense on their side, not-so-much on our side.

Do you really want me to sit here and go through every single post you have ever made and post every single sony hating post? I will if thats what you want. Oh wow you enjoyed a game! Big deal. You still complain to much.

Sure, if you really feel like that's a good use of your time.   I'm sure you're just itching to point out the I hate Kratos thread because that somehow proves my hate for Sony even though it has nothing to do with Sony or the PS3 but then there's also the thread asking for advice on what a friend should get.

If I was a true fanboy, wouldn't I just let my true fanboy colors show and tell her to get a 360 and not a PS3?

Really, just leave the thread because you're doing nothing for it other than trying to prove I'm a fanboy.  I honestly don't know why you're not banned yet.  If you don't like my complaining, don't enter my threads.  You would think that would be a simple concept.

As it stands, it's an annoyance that the PS3 doesn't auto-synch your trophies.  It isn't anything major and not something that should deter anyone from buying a PS3, but an annoyance is an annoyance and an internet forum is a great place to air those annoyances!  If you don't let it, just don't reply and the thread will sink down with all the other threads that don't get replies.  All you're doing is needlessly bumping the thread making it even more visible.

Your only two options should be either 1) actually contribute (you don't even have to agree, just contribute!) or 2) if you think the thread is somehow a violation, report it and move on.

You have to love simple concepts.