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I posted two commments here but most of you probably won't see it so....

85% of those polled play games online on the PC; significantly more than on consoles: 48% of the group play on Xbox Live, with 30% apiece for the Wii and PS3.

Online gaming time is up, however. Those who claimed to play online play for an average of 8 hours per week, which is a fairly large increase from the 7.3 hours per week of 2009. Xbox 360 owners play for 7.3 hours a week on average, while PC gamers play for 6.6 hours, and PS3 gamers, 5.3 hours.

PC= 6.6 hours per week
360= 7.3 hours per week
PS3= 5.3 hours per week
Average is 8 hours per week in the 2010 survey. You notice anything missing? Wii wasn't even mentioned in this article. If the Average is 8 hours a week then...
Wii= well over 8 hours played per week on average.

Wii=HardCore and PS3/360=Casual confirmed.


Edit: As pointed out to me the 8 hour average time spent online could just be a mix different consoles. Although as of yet still unproven this seems to be a likely scenerio.

"What have i done.? Is it too late to save me from this place? From the depths of the grave? We all are those .. who thought we were brave."