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scorptile said:
well being sold out from day one and dmand extremely higher then u can make is the reason. the ds at first wasnt a sell out like the wii is. so they actually got a supply before it exploded with popularity.

Bzttt wrong answer, the original DS didn't catch on that amazingly though it sold ok. The DS lite pretty much exploded from day 1. to O.P.: Ramping up production is easy, if you already have facilities. If not you have to BUY them and pay more workers. That's a big investment why would you make it if you weren't sure your product would continue to sell as it has? How would you feel if you were in charge you made 1million to start, nearly doubled it and then doubled it again and then suddenly you only sold 350,000 a month? You'd be stuck with millions left over and the cost of opening a facility is amazingly high(millions)