Tanstalas said:
I don't see how? It was like Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD as well, that one really could have went either way as well, just Sony got a couple more studios than Toshiba, then buh bye. BD was the better one imo, but a lot of people liked HD-DVD - as it was cheaper |
umm, it was not just a couple more it was all but one, and even then the one's they did have supported the move to the Blu-Ray format since 2002, there was a reason why they did it also. before HD DVD was even ready, before this whole thing even got started between Blu-ray and HD DVD .
Infact 3 year's prior, Blu-Ray as a technology was already on the market for the Consumer to purchase in asia, that was 3 year's before HD DVD even had a consumer Option. Blu-Ray was already a proven Technology.
and It was not "JUST a Sony format" from it's inception, many other companies that also make Optical drives all back in 2002 that Blu-Ray was the Direction they wanted to go. It was'nt until the Question of using (JAVA or IHD) as the control software for new CE topset boxes came into the picture that when all this started between The HD DVD format or The Blu-Ray format junk got started.
100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...
Proud psOne/2/3/p owner. I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.