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@vagabond, criticizing Nintendo is okay, and most of the harshest critics of Nintendo are the biggest fans of Nintendo. But to be foaming at the mouth with hate for Nintendo right now, with the Wii and the DS basically revolutionizing gaming and expanding the market to all age/sex groups, it's basically like being the one guy in the room that foams at the mouth with hatred for the Beatles in 1967 because "they changed too much." Boohoo.

If we want games to be considered a valid art form, then we need to support the artists when they make crazy changes and try crazy new things. There were critics who wanted Bowie to make Ziggy Stardust 2 instead of going into soul and disco. There were critics who wanted Bowie to make Let's Dance 2 instead of going into muppet movies and angsty guitar-based rock. Now we look back and call those critics stupid. In my opinion, after the dust on this generation settles and Wii has dominated the entire planet, this is how we will see Nintendo's critics of 2009 and 2010.

I think this IGN article was just some more trolling. "Hey guys, even though Nintendo sucks ass and we hate them and they have abandoned us for casuals who don't DESERVE Nintendo as much as we do... looks like they snuck in some cool games for a few months in a row. Cool. P.S. Fuck Nintendo."

TL;DR version: The new Nintendo didn't replace the old Nintendo so I see no reason to complain. Nintendo is making more casual games than ever before, but they are ALSO making more hardcore games than ever before. New fans get Wii Sports/Fit. Old fans get 3 Mario games on a single console, which hasn't happened since the NES. If that's abandoning the hardcore, then good riddance.