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Raistline said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
Raistline said:

Aside from the listed BEST/WORST options, building your own will always give you better performance, better quality and a better price if you do you research.

Apple computers are just for users who do not know how to use a PC correctly

Desktop Performance PC:
Best: Falcon Northwest (for build quality and performance)
Worst: Alienware (build quality went to crap and price went way up)

Desktop Average user PC:
Best: Asus (quality parts, nothing proprietary)
Worst: Dell (proprietary motherboards/power supply combos. Bargain basement parts across the board)

Desktop Business use:
Best: Dell (cheap and outstanding warranty)
Worst: HP (crap warranty, more expensive and horrible quality)

Laptops Performance:
Best: Dell XPS (quality parts, great warranty and rugged)
Worst: Alienware (overpriced, decent parts and not as rugged)

Laptops average user:
Best: Dell (outstanding warranty and good price)
Worst: Acer (horrible warranty, bad build quality, tons of driver issues)

Laptops Business use:
Best: IBM Lenovo (built like a tank, virtually no driver issues, great warranty)
Worst: Acer (horrible warranty, bad build quality, tons of driver issues)


Best: Shuttle (quality parts, great cases)

Worst: Sony (crappy parts, worthless features, horrible cases)

excuse me 

i have used a PC all my life up untill a year ago. i brought a MAC and i can tell you now...its ALOT better then any PC i have ever owned

yes it doesnt support all software but it supports what NEEDS to be supported

i dunno...i guess i like having a smooth interface and a no hastle no worry time on the internet...god i wish i could have my PC back and get virus after virus and have a slow clunky interface! DAM IM SOOO UNLUCKY

Once again the complaint about Virus's come up. If you are getting virus's on your PC you are not using it correctly. I have not had a virus on my computer since Pentium II days, I just happen to be mindful of scams and use proper, and free virus protection.  I have not had my system crash or freeze due to anything but a hardware failure in years now.

And don't tell me that Mac's don't ever crash or freeze. I have gotten the spinning beach ball of death plenty of times when trying to run more then 3 applications at once.

Let's face it, the VIRUS argument and the Crashing argument are not valid if you use your computer correctly and don't try to download every peice of porn out there or try to use virus ridden PTP's like limewire.

I never go on the internet and worry. Yes, windows used to be slower and clunkier, but Windows 7 has made major improvements on that. I still don't like how they changed the administrative functions but that is a whole other argument.


Sorry for the rant, I am just very sick of Apple fanatics always pulling out the virus card.

funny cuz i had just a blue screen on windows 7  while playing aion, still it's the same, just doesn't take the whole screen on a 16.4' LCD 1600x900.

though it s true it's improvement windows still is , the most unstable, slowest OS, yet "usable"