Heres the story, i went out and traded R2 in (I got bored of it) and got $14 for it and bought Rainbow six vegas 2 for $18..
I took it home and went to play it then it said "Please clean the disc and try again" Ok, i clean it then i go to install it and i gets to 50% and cannot install game...
So the next morning i walk back up to gamestop (another hour walk) and trade it in for another one... So i walk back (another hour yay!) and i install it and i play the game and it works! Yay...
So i customize my character and... "Please clean the DVD" im like "FUCKING ASSHOLE ITS INSTALLED TO THE GOD DAMN HARD DRIVE!!!" *Shakes fist*
So i walk back up to gamestop (another hour hour back and forth...) and tell the guy "This game wont work, or my XBox is getting ready to crap out" so he gives me yet another copy... I walk back,install it and its working fine until i try to do story and the piece of shit keeps saying "Please clean the disc".
So i think my HDD is getting ready to go, my friends game worked fine when its not installed to the HDD but if its installed it fucks up.