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Lol, unfortunately not everyone's definition of "having fun" includes posting very serious sensationalist articles with major factual errors, which (like most mainstream news stories about consoles) sound less knowledgeable than a page of posts on Neogaf.

I get that the PS3 having a bad day is exciting on some primal level, but could we keep this thread a bit more clean for people who are looking for good information on what's going on with their systems?

We used to have a list in this thread of affected models, along with people very clearly explaining the situation and giving us an accurate sense of how serious things are -- for example, a PS3 unable to connect to PSN because of the error can still download firmware and get fixes from Sony, because all firmware updates take place without connecting to PSN. This has been said several times in the thread, and it would probably be more known if we weren't spamming the thread and trying to turn it into a little skirmish in the console war.