MS is doing enough for Europe.. the Xbox Arcade is litteraly half the price of the PS3 300 euros PS3 vs 150 euros Arcade.. But most west-Europeans (or atleast Dutch consumers) are very picky and therefor actually research the machine..
I met a mother and her kid didn't know if he wanted a Wii or PS3, his mother knew that the Wii could not do higher resolutions but had more split-screen games and PS3 had better online support and was a great blu-ray player..
sure it's nothing compared to what we know.. but an average mother?
MS just needs to put out other things then Shooters wich they are doing now thankfully (alan wake, SC:C (its more action/stealth) and Forza 3. Europeans like shooters.. but with shooters only you won't get the market.
Currently playing: MAG, Heavy Rain, Infamous
Getting Plat trophies for: Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5, Burnout and GOW collection once I get it.