I'm making this topic because people shouldn't hide when they make as big a fail as I have with their predictions.
My signature, for a few months (until 5 minutes ago), read 'Heavy Rain to sell less than The Conduit lifetime'. Clearly that prediction was far too low.
My question is, why? It is not an entertaining game in the traditional sense; it emphasises graphics and narrative over the fun/surprise/wonder that successful games usually have; it sells to a niche demographic compared to the 'mass market'. I would have thought The Conduit had more market appeal (as an accessible and intutive FPS game) than this. The Conduit possibly had even more media exposure too, and no big 'mature' Wii games to compete against (whereas the 360 and PS3 have plenty of choice in that area).
Why didn't this flop, as Lair did, or any other game which was hyped to death, focused on graphics over content, and essentially was the exact opposite of why Wii and 'casual' games are doing so well?