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Actually, the initial poster (to whom I was responding to) said "Gears of War could be done on Wii (gaphically), but just not in HD" - That is an outright lie, because as I stated, GOW looks fantastic on SD, and far better than any Wii game I have seen thus far. That was my point. Now, as for the Wii and Xbox debate graphically, it's just a matter of time to see, but the obvious advantage is to the Wii. Not entirely because of the archatecture (which is better), but the fact that the Wii is just like a hyped up gamecube in terms of archatecture. Every dev comment I've seen has basically stated that they could take their GC games and port them to Wii by just adding extra textures. This allows for devs to make better looking games much quicker. The issue of "which is better graphically, and process wise" is difficult, because for the Xbox, we only had 4 years of dev time for most major games before they were cut off. The Wii has a bit extra time due to the archatecture being so close to the GC, it allows for extra efficency from the get-go. Not that the Wii has been tapped out by any means, but it's rate of efficency as of now is probably a higher % than what the Xbox was before it died....Who knows. However, Fable and Forza Motorsports were pretty great graphically, and would be the only 2 games really available for comparison to Wii games.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.