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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
alekth said:

I must say it's a really pretty game. And I'm having fun with it so far. About 8 hours in but I like exploring a lot.

Yeah, i still say it looks a tad more prettier then WKC, but to each his own.

I think it looks a lot better than WKC. The environments are a toss up (slight edge to SO4), the character models in WKC are really bad and the effects in SO4 (HDR, bloom, magic spells, motion blur) are much better than WhiteKnight. The best things about WKC (technical aspect) is the fact that there's not a lot of loading going on, whereas in SO4, every door you open will result in a loading screen. But in WKC, saving takes a REALLY long time for some reason (and my HDD is faster than the stock HDD).

SO4 just blows WKC out of the water from a technical stand point. Too bad neither of the games have good character designs, FF13 does a much better job at that....(Nomura is useful afterall)

On a gameplay level, I'm leaning towards WKC because of the online but I'm only on the second world in SO4 so I have a long way to go...Oh yeah, and SO4 has ALOT of cutscene..... ALOT