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Cobretti said:
somone said there is no chance the wii could ever do 720p. However didnt the original xbox have 720p capabilities. So shouldn't the wii in theroy be able to do it. Granted the shading and lighting won't be anywer ein the league of ps2/xbox360 but surely it can look decent enough at 720p

IGN had a story that a Nintendo official did tell them that the Wii could handle 720p but since it doesn't look good (essentially similar but worse to the drop off seen in the 360 or PS3 at 1080p) Nintendo is keeping it from being used.  Sort of like how the SNES could output up to 512x448 but it was only used for text screens at that level, actual gameplay was usually done at 256x224 or how the N64 could do 500k polys/s instead of 100k but it noticeably dropped overall quality so it was also blocked.  If I wasn't about to run off to a statistics quiz I'd find it now but I intend to later.


Calm down man, no one is insulting your 360 or HDTV.  I don't recall anyone saying the PS3 or 360 doesn't look good on HDTV's (they may have but I'm not rereading the comments and it didn't stand out to me).  Try to keep on subject which is whether the Wii is more powerful than the original Xbox not the Xbox 360.  Anyone who argues that is insane to begin with so just take a deep breath and ignore it.