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How many of you that complain that the 360/PS3 only look good on HDTVs actually OWN one of those systems and an HDTV? I OWN a 360. I have since launch. Does an HDTV make Gears of great? Abso-friggin-lutely. Does it look better than any Wii game, Xbox game, or any other game on SDTV? Yes, by far. You do not need an HDTV to get great graphics off of a 360. More importantly than the power aspects are the gaming aspects. You couldn't do Oblivion's graphics on Wii. But more importantly, the Radiant AI would be scaled back so severely that the game would lose the coolest aspects of it. Everyone that whines and says "oh the 360 and PS3 are just graphics whores" are the people that haven't actually got into the depths of a good 360 or PS3 game. Have you ever played Gears of War on Co-Op on insane? It's one of the funnest gaming experiences I've ever had, just like that many of you like Wii Sports as one of the greatest gaming experiences. What about Multi-Player? There aren't 8m people paying $3 a month for WoW because of the graphics, they are playing it because its one of the funnest multi-player games made. The advantage with the 360, and to a lesser extent the PS3 is that they are truely "next gen" when it comes to online applications. The Wii has no remote advantage for online abilities outside of VC and hokey gaming channels. How many games for the Wii, up till now can you play against people online? As of May of last year, the 360 had CoD2, all of the EA Sports games, PGR 3, DOA4, GRAW, FNR3, Full Auto, and a few others that were online-capible. And that didn't include the games that had atleast something for online. Nintendo fans try to make this race one dimensional: power vs. gameplay control. It's just not that simple. Yes, that might of been the excuse 10 years ago with the PS1 vs. Saturn or the Genesis vs. SNES, but it's not that simple. Why am I a 360 gamer? RPGs. I get more of them than the Wii and PS3 combined this year (if not the next 2 years). Once I get broadband, I'll be experiencing the best online features the console community has ever seen (can you download an expansion pack for a game on the Wii?). There are things that everyone keeps forgetting, but as a 360 owner I know what my 360 offers me. Its not a Wiimote, and its not just a bunch of power. It's the Marketplace, it's the Arcade, it's 100 player battles on Huxley, it's an extra downloadable Uber-Dungeon on Blue Dragon, it's Shivering Isles for Oblivion, it's more people on screen with more actions and reactions. And thats why I like my 360. If you want to be impressed by the Wiimote, feel free. But I strive for more than just controls in a gaming console.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.