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windbane said:

This is getting very ridiculous. Apple switched to Intel because they were slower for years. Much more expensive? Are you serious? The one good part of Macs were they were affordable, because their CPU was so outdated. I've built computers for years, I've looked at benchmarks for years, and I can assure you that the Macs were MUCH SLOWER than Intel CPUs at any point in time for at least the last decade. Why do you think gamers didn't buy them? And if you want to talk Supercomputers, the Cell is used for those now. Supercomputers 10 years ago aren't that fast and do not indicate consumer level prices.

The PowerPC CPU did not undergo any sort of revolution like the Core Duo. So the architechture may have improved, but not that much. I'm not sure why you guys are equating architecture improvements of first AMD that started the 1500, 1600, etc line that estimated clock speed equivalent models and then Intel's Core Duo that increased performance by 30% with PowerPC CPUs. If PowerPCs really got that much faster show me some benchmarks.

Even if the PowerPC was as efficient as the Intel Core Duo (the best processor in the world right now), it would only be abotu 50% better at the same clock speed. Yeah, that's a great improvement, but if you are still below 800MHz there's only so much better it can be.

Also, i LOVE how you guys are ignoring the other benchmarks. Look at the freaking GPU numbers on the Wii! it's barely better than previous generations as well. The RAM is even more sad of a situation. So we can continue this architecture arguement until someone shows some benchmarks but you can't change the other facts.

Oh wait, next you'll be telling me that the GPU and RAM is SUPER-MEGA-OPTIMIZED LIKE NOTHING BEFORE because for some reason Nintendo holds the secrets of computing and is selling it at a loss. Oh wait, their Wii is worth around $150. That's right, I forgot.

This is coming from a person that is going to buy a Wii, but some of you Wii fanboys are just ignorant.

Speaking of ignorant...ALKO...give me a break. You can compare the graphics by looking at every single Wii game looking inferior to anything on the 360 and PS3. I hate to break it to you but I've played every game on a SD TV and I can atest to the fact that the games look a heck of a lot better anyway. And btw, I bet Doom3 at 640x480 looks better than Wii games too.

@StarcraftManiac: God bless you.

you DO realise that the CELL you are so raving about is just a POWER core with a vew vector processors tacked on? how come CELL is so good when it's in the PS3 but not good when it's in the Wii/Gamecube?

The honest truth is that POWER architecture overpowered the old Pentium Architecture (which was getting incredibly outdated before Core came out).

No one is saying that the Wii is powerful, but it is by far more powerful than the Xbox/GC/PS2 

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