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@SHarky 54: How do you know it's pre-rendered? Doesn't seem pre-rendered to me. Too many graphical glitches, and at the end, the player seems to be controlling the camera. But, yeah, trees that are basically a mile away are never very detailed, since those are basically the most resource intensive objects you can render. A lot of games simply don't include vegetation/foliage at all, stream them in later, or use simplified models, even up close.

Fog does help vegetation look better, however, the fog in AW is not hiding so many details that you can't see what's far away, unlike a lot of other games. Not at daytime anyway. At night time, to some degree, yeah, but, it's night time.. You're not supposed to see details of everything far away lol. Guess that's a bit convenient for them xD Though you can always still see the light from the lighthouse for example, and still you can see a lot of vegetation.. Even far away trees. I'm not saying the fog doesn't hide anything, but why would it make sense for them to use volumetric fog instead of distance fog if volumetric fog uses way more resources, if their goal was to hide imperfections? They could've used the resources for volumetric fog to increase far away detail.. I personally think it was a choice to have a great atmosphere.. Not necessarily that the fog's main purpose is to hide details.

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