I have 7..
KZ2 was my first one
Uncharted: DF was my 2nd
Fallout 3 was my 3rd
Uncharted 2 was my 4th
MW2 was my 5th
COD:WaW was my 6th
AC2 was my 7th
My trophy level is 11, 70% with 571 bronze trophies, 108 silver ones and 26 golden.. in total 712 trophies
Im getting GOW collection soon so that's 2 plats
Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5, Burnout Paradise and Resistance 2 should be a platinum somewhere down the line..
good times ahead
Currently playing: MAG, Heavy Rain, Infamous
Getting Plat trophies for: Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5, Burnout and GOW collection once I get it.