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Mazty said:
Viper1 said:

Do you know what an introduction is?   Now imagine buying a book a few years after fir publication but the introduction is missing and replaced with anotehr chapter from the middle of the story instead.

Point is, it's bundled to this day for a very valid reason.  It works like an introduction to gesture based gaming for Wii.  Is that an understandable reason for you?

What kind of brain dead idiot needs an introduction to "move your hand, it generally moves with it".

Plus thats a BS excuse, otherwise the PS3 and 360 would be bundled with simple games to "introduce" people to gaming, not the likes of Gears of War and Uncharted 2. Oh wait, that's what a tutorial is for.

This is an ironic answer given you have noted before the casual nature of many Wii owners.  


Mazty said:
Viper1 said:

Oh my. 

You know, it's not bundled in Japan.  And how does that relate given the bundling of the original Mario Brothers game on the NES?

I'm sorry man but all your points are blunt.   You act as though only your ideology of video games and what they constitute as is the only concept that is correct or that should exist.

Enjoy your games and all that but keep the eletist ideologies out. 


And you know it's not sold just in Japan....

Gaming has come along way since the NES era so totally irrelvant point - back then people were happy to pay £50 for a game that lasted 3 hours.

I hardly think it is elitest to insist on improvement with every generation and hope that consoles sell due to quality, not clever marketting.

 And apparently they are pretty happy paying $60 for a game that last not much longer today.  But you're going to be so ignorant to assume game length has significantly increased over the generations or that such a notion is even relevant to quality then we've stumbled upon a failure of quality assessment on your behalf unrivaled by many before.

It is not elitist to look forward to technological advancements with each incremental generation.  What is elitist is your insistence that technological increase be the only means which a new generation should be born or that only core games attain respectable sales or even be considered video games at all.  It is elitist to to demand your own ideology be dmoninant above all.

I wish I could say it was only a matter of ignorance but ignorance suggests a capacity to learn and understand whilst it's quite obvious you have no intent whatsoever to remove yourself from your personal perceptions and gain an expanded knowledge regarding the expanded audience and the industry we support.

The rEVOLution is not being televised