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Khuutra said:
Mazty said:


Since when did sales mean that a game is by default good & it's not fanboys getting one off over their favourite fanchise? Not to mention do you have a demograph of who bought it because by gamers you could be saying "12 million kids bought it", and last I checked a kid didn't know the difference in quality between steak and playdo.

Traditionally spekaing, children who are into video games tend to be among the most discerning when it comes to the qualities that appeals to them - but it should go without saying that, since NSMBWii looks to go on to double or triple the sales of Mario Galaxy, that its appeal extends far beyond people who will buy a game just because it is Mario.

But you hold an interesting (and valid) point that appeal can't be used as an absolute metric of quality, but it brings up a more inteesting problem in that nothing is an absolute metric of quality. Now, following that, does it not stands to reason that you may not have the perspective necessary to comment on the quality of the Wii's library?


I've played the games and have been playing games for over a decade - I feel that you can logically break down what makes a game good or not. For example NSMBW is good, for kids, but I'd argue that maybe LBP is better, as it offers more functions that children may find fun, such as making your own level and online play.
A tech point of view is easy enough to talk about, but I think to break a game into how is it good you have to look at what does the game do, who does it appeal to and  essentially are there better games out their that appeal to the same people but have more to offer.
As a further example someone could agrue Killzone2 is better than MW2, BUT essentially they may not relate to the same audience as the pace is very different, however some things remain fundamental to gaming, such as most gamers do not enjoy having no control other their death, whether it is due to glitches or poor level design. It is in that sense I think you can relatively compare games of roughly the same genre to determine if one is better than another, or if a game is simply good or not.